The very first college professionals’ labour unions joined the CEQ in 1973. The following year, on October 5, seven CSQ-affiliated unions formed the Fédération des professionnels des cégeps et des collèges (FPCC). During the 1980s, the CEQ structure wasn’t conducive to the continued viability of smaller federations. This led to the FPCC rethinking its involvement. Consequently, in 1984, in an effort to reduce their respective operating costs, college professional personnel (FPCC) and their university-level colleagues (FPPU) joined forces under one banner, the FPPCU.

This entity, bringing all higher education professionals together, was in operation up until 1993, at which time the college professional staff opted to regain control of their own destiny. That same year, they created the Fédération du personnel professionnel des collèges (FPPC-CSQ).

Throughout the years, 28 other unions joined the FPPC-CSQ, bringing the total to 35 affiliated unions.

And so, this organization, at first as the FPCC, then the FPPCU and finally the FPPC, has been fighting for the rights of college professional employees for close to 44 years.