Its mission

Beyond its core mission of improving working conditions and advocating for the professional and economic interests of its members, the FPPC also has a mandate to promote the point of view of college professional employees.

A picture that speaks volumes!

A key player of the college network, the FPPC represents over 2,000 members. It is the most representative union organization of college professionals.

Proactive in all areas, the FPPC is well aware of its members’ reality. It not only advocates for their working conditions, but also takes concrete action to secure appropriate recognition of the expertise and skills of college professionals.

Meanwhile, and jointly with other CSQ affiliated federations, it has been addressing a great number of issues that have a bearing on union and working life. Championing social rights is also one of the FPPC’s joint initiatives.

The FPPC at work

The FPPC serves as the strong and clear voice of its members in the public arena as well as before key college management and government bodies.

To do so, it is regularly involved in various matters related to higher education such as the revision of the college network’s funding mechanism (i.e. FABRES), the structure of the Continuing Education sector, the level of funding allotted to colleges in relation to professional employees’ work overload, the respect of boundaries with respect to job responsibilities, etc. It also represents its members at the Summit on Postsecondary Education as well as the national committee of the future eCampus and in any other relevant matters.

Furthermore, the FPPC ensures its affiliated unions’ representation in all CSQ decision-making bodies such as the General Council and the General Negotiation Council. It also sees to the representative involvement of its members within CSQ networks such as the sociopolitical action network or the status of women network.

Together, advocating for the interests of higher education professionals.